

Browser compatible

We made sure that our page will work correctly in browsers. It works in IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Opera and Safari.

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[box_call_to_action title=»Are you interested in our offer? Do you have any questions?» style=»contact» btn_title=»Get in touch with us» link=»/doover/contact»]
You can set here some text via the admin panel



[homepage_features title=»Why choose our template?» desc=»Check the great feature list why you should buy our template:» help_link=»/doover/contact» help_title=»Do you have any questions? Please, contact us.» btn_link=»/doover/features» btn_title=»Check all features»]

[homepage_feature title=»Great offer slider» img=»http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/offer.png» link_href=»/doover/features» link_title=»Read more»]
Slider with illustration and text to which you can add your own icons or …


[homepage_feature_last title=»Awsome shortcode manager» img=»http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/70shortcodes.png» link_href=»/doover/features» link_title=»Read more»]
The easy way to build each page thanks to the Point-and-click manager …


[homepage_feature title=»SEO base already built-in» img=»http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/kchart_chrt.png» link_href=»/doover/features» link_title=»Read more»]
We really care about that our pages to be search engine friendly, so …


[homepage_feature_last title=»Ready for translation» img=»http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/translation.png» link_href=»/doover/features» link_title=»Read more»]
Template has the attached files like .mo and .po, so you can easily …

